Thursday, January 17, 2013

My Silly Thoughts (2nd week of January 2013)

Learn all those subjects with all your heart. Yes, I know that sounds kind of... cliché. But just try, will you?

Oh. And this weird but effective self-advice : If you're feeling alone or useless, try to help the others. No matter how small you think your help is, even just with a smile. Karena kamu tak pernah benar-benar tahu tindakanmu atau senyumanmu yang mana yang bisa membangkitkan semangat orang lain, menginspirasi mereka untuk menjadi lebih baik lagi. 

Lots of people might say that had a crush on someone is okay, and it might bring many positive effects on us. But I personally think that having a crush on someone just make me a silly scaredy-cat who likes to hide everytime I saw that one boy. Ha. Whatever. Alhamdulillah right now I can control my own feelings (Insha Allah...) 

Never lose hope in anything.

Don't judge, no matter how much you really want to do it.

You have to be the leader of yourself. Make choices for your life. Be yourself. Be the best of yourself. 

Now, Allah has lightened [the hardship] for you, and He knows that among you is weakness. So if there are from you one hundred [who are] steadfast, they will overcome two hundred. And if there are among you a thousand, they will overcome two thousand by permission of Allah . And Allah is with the steadfast. (Q.S. Al Anfal [8]: 66)

Sekarang Allah telah meringankan kepadamu dan dia telah mengetahui bahwa padamu ada kelemahan. Maka jika ada diantaramu seratus orang yang sabar, niscaya mereka akan dapat mengalahkan dua ratus orang kafir; dan jika diantaramu ada seribu orang (yang sabar), niscaya mereka akan dapat mengalahkan dua ribu orang, dengan seizin Allah. Dan Allah beserta orang-orang yang sabar. (Q.S. Al Anfal [8]: 66)

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