Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What happens in Bogor?

What happens in Bogor? (:

Well, in Bogor, precisely in my school, some of exam's grade are already out, and I'll tell you some of them.

For my US (School Examination), what scares me the most is my Penjaskes/P.E. written test score. I have estimated my grades for the Penjaskes Written Test, and the grade could be under 70! Oh my, I admit it, I didn't study a lot for the test, because I was focused on study PLH. I accept grade around 70, but, hah, please not under 70. THIS GRADE WOULD BE INCLUDED AT MY IJAZAH! O.O

And, fortunately, I got 74 :DDDDDDDD. well, this is the first time ever I get so happy when I got 70 on my test at spensa, but whatever. I get 74, not under 70.... YAY! *dancing*

Yah, meskipun temen temen pada dapet diatas 80 semua, dan kkm penjaskes sebenarnya 83, biarkanlah. 74, aku cinta kau, *smooch*


US PAI? Don't ask me for it. My grades stuck in ** (grade censored), just like the last semester test and the current mid-test grade. UTS a.k.a. Mid Test? Uh-Oh. Science are the worst. Biology and Physics are the same, I get both 60 at that subject. What the.

TO kota a.k.a Try Out for the Bogor City Region? SCIENCE ARE STILL THE WORST! Kayaknya science saya ga pernah lebih dari tujuh deh, big please. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

UN tinggal 20 hari-an lagi!!!!! SEMANGAT!


Pengumuman Abal

First of all, I never had a boyfriend.

FND, that SMPN 2 student, is NOT my ex-boyfriend, he is just my ex-crush. FND itu cuma mantan kecengan, bukan mantan pacar, sorry aja ya.

Once more, I NEVER been in ANY relationship with ANYONE, including FND.

Kenapa sampe pake acara pengumuman segala kayak gini? Karena, masih ada temennya FND yang belom tau kenyataannya. Kenyataan bahwa saya nggak pernah sekalipun menjalin hubungan (eaaa menjalin kisah kasih aja sekaligus -.-) dengan FND, dan saya bukan mantannya FND. KENALAN AJA BELOM PERNAH, PLEASE, GIMANA MO PACARAN?! (serius, selama 12 tahun tinggal di perumahan ini, belom pernah sekalipun saya ngomong ke FND, ga pernah maen bareng, ga pernah tau siapa FND sebelum masuk SMP, ga pernah jabat tangan buat kenalan SEKALIPUN.) --> btw sekarang bewew sering liat FND di BP loh -__- sumpah getek abis.

Dan jangan percaya sama tweet Maul yang bilang saya pacaran sama anak spensa -__- Ratu hamster dasar~

P.S. : I would hate myself if I ever being in a relationship, at least for now. Muna banget saya kalo sampe pacaran, katanya anak DKM, kok malah pacaran. Katanya ga mau pacaran, kok malah ngelakuin?


Kayak menjilat ludah sendiri tau ga. Eh, menjilat ludah sendiri itu maksudnya dalam bentuk kiasan!! :p

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

OW MAAAAAAAN -______________-

I'm forever alone.



Baru ngeh. Seorang bewew itu cuma tempat pelampiasan, tempat numpang ngeceng, dll. OYA! tempat numpang dilindes sama si pelahap, numpang digigit sama FND (PLEASE -___-), numpang dideket-deket sama Apirang. (pan, salah sendiri, itu orang yang deket satu satu ngejauh gara gara saya ga terlalu pinter bergaul -__-)


Tapi ga masalah, kan aku punya alya *3*

*stres besok ulangan agama pkn. doakan ya, doakan.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


image courtesy : tumblr

All my condolences for Japan. Keep on praying, guys!

p.s. : PANDANGAN PERTAMA ITU NIKMAT, PANDANGAN SELANJUTNYA ITU DOSA! (tips dari wedar : kalo liat cowok ganteng jangan kedip, biar jadi pandangan pertama terus. yeeeeeh -__-")

omong omong, tadi pas makan di saung kuring, saya ngeliat merek snack 'matahari' -___- tepat setelah ngeliat mereknya, tiba tiba di samping meja saya duduklah seorang anak laki laki, kira kira umur 6 tahun, pake kacamata, chinese, model rambut keren, ganteeeeeeeeeeeng bangeeeeeeeeet xD versi kecilnya Matahari! seandainya dia 9 atau 10 tahun lebih tua, udah deh, itu mah persis matahari. pan. Whoa, jangan jangan reinkarnasinya BBM yang dikirimin Allah buat aku *mulaaaai deh, menel mode on*

Apa pun makannya, liatnya ya si anak itu... (udah ah, jadi kayak pedofil kan -_- aku ga mau jadi the next Yuni Shara.) Pokoknya, he made my day lah :) Pengen deh, punya adek cowok, pasti nanti jadi ganteng dan baik, ga kayak kakaknya yang ancur lebur ini -__-

*foto menyusul

oiya, saya lupa. Ingkar janji lagi deh, malah posting deui -___- pas mau TUC lagi .



just do it

Nike Billboard said : "Yesterday you said tomorrow. Just do it."

Today is the tomorrow you said yesterday.
Hari ini adalah 'esok' yang kau ucapkan kemarin.


Demi apapun...

Tadi kan iseng iseng belajar soal TUC online di website e-learning spensa (user sama password kalo lupa pake username baru aja, liat postingan di blog pak rizal deh) di ruang TV sambil nyetel RCTI, terus seinget saya lagi ada lagu aishiteru -__-

Tau tau, lagunya ganti, pas dilirik lagu yang lagi maen judulnya 'Mari Bercinta 2'. Eh buset, apa apaan tuh lagu? yaudah, cuek. Kerjain soal b.indo lagi...

Tiba-tiba, pas nyampe reff, tadinya saya cuek.



Eh, kok kayaknya nada lagu ini pernah saya denger, kayak familiar...

Omg, ini kan nada lagu...


Oke, ini jelas plagiat lagunya Ashley. Inget banget, dulu pas kelas 7 saya suka banget nyanyi lagu not like that sambil lari lari ga jelas gitu di rumah, bahkan liriknya sampe diprint segala (zaman kegelapan, jangan ditiru) Kan lagi pegang laptop tuh, yaudah langsung tancap ke om youtube dan nyetel mv 'Not Like That' di satu tab, satu tab lagi nyetel 'Mari Bercinta 2' (sumpah geleh abis judulnya) pas didengerin, dari awal sampe akhir NADANYA sama. Mana awalnya si lagu mari bercinta 2 sok-sokan pake suara arab arab gajelas gitu, dan suara arabnya mirip banget sama kayak di lagu Not Like That.

Lagi lagi, kasus kayak lagunya vierra yang mirip banget sama lagu 'close'nya westlife. Gak bosen apa? Tapi vierra mending. Lah INI? Masa liriknya kayak gini : menikmati hembusan cintamu di sekujur ragaku. Udah, Bewew ga ikutaaaaan, virus putus!

Btw, ternyata di youtube banyak orang sependapat. Katanya si artis yang nyanyinya, yang berinisial 'V' ini mirip sama artis aur* kasi*, katanya cuma jual tampang doang.

link :
Not Like That
Mari Bercinta 2

Ah, musik indonesia. Kapan sih bisa ada yang unik dan 'catchy' , misalnya kayak band kuburan? :p seragam semua. Bosen ah.

Btw, doakan ya. Besok ada tes uji coba (try out) tingkat kota. Wish me luck ya, katanya soal to kota susah -__- Masa katanya ada 5 paket ; A ; B ;C ; D ; E. Dan, yang bikin soal itu sesuai urutan sekolah. Misal, SMPN 1 bikin paket A, SMPN 2 bikin paket B, dst. Kalo diurutin sesuai nomor urut di ruangan ujian, saya nomor tiga, berarti soalnya bikinan SMPN 3 :) Semoga ga dapet yang rumit banget, amin. (tapi kayaknya soalnya SMPN 4 serem deh, hiy)

Bismillah :)

Video of the week (i'm watching it again)
She's The One - Robbie Williams

This music video is quite old, but it's still good :) good piano instrument + robbie's beautiful voice + good music video = EXCELLENT!

Wednesday, March 02, 2011


I was the one who got it all wrong. I was the who getting my hopes high at that time.

To be honest, I DID care about Apirang, believe it or not. I always thought that he'd fall for me too. But I was wrong. He didn't. It was only just a dream. Only my imagination. He got a crush on my friend, not me.

But, now, I don't care anymore about him.

Yeah, as a labile teenager, I still don't know, am I really going to forget him? with all those memories? My mouth would say 'Absolutely' but my heart won't. I just want to let it go, slowly, so I wouldn't feel hurt when trying get over him. And one day, I will smiled when remembering this moment. I will smile, when remembered past, remembering that happy feelings coming up when I see him. One day, this pain will be recovered. One day, I will forget my feelings for him, I will. One day, we're all will meet 'the one'. So, for all the broken-hearted people out there, don't worry. It's just a matter of time, isn't it? :)

Because there's some personal reason, actually, I must gettin' into smansa, must, i must worked really hard for it. Bukan soal atas dan apirang. Not anymore. I had lots of dreams that haven't be realized for a long time. This is for my parents. I'm the one who my family can rely on, because I am the only child in the family. If I failed, then it goes bad for-ever. I better study more, and more, and more.

And, I think it's the last posting before I had UN (national exams) because I have decided (this is a strong determination) that I will never opened Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and all of internet stuff that made me lose control before June. Next week, I will facing UTS (Mid Exams) and Try Out for the city region. After that, there'll be US (School Exams), who contain ALL materials from grade seven to grade nine for ALL subjects. Man. No, we haven't finish yet. In the end of April, UN are coming... And in May, the high school registration thing will be started.

And this bad-internet-using-habit won't help anything, it would ruin everything. So.. it's much safer to turn the computer off, and just use it for school task. DON'T ever touch the 'google chrome' icon or 'internet explorer' icon. Doing that like open up the evil side of myself -_- oh really.

Computer is my best friend, yet it's my biggest enemy.

I don't want to say a goodbye to you all , because for me, goodbye means going away. I just wanna say this as a temporary separation from internet, because now I had new quotation in my head, an old quotation ; bersusah susah dahulu, bersenang senang kemudian :) Dear world, pray for us, the nine grader. Wish us luck, okay?

:*) --> emoticon APA ini??! hahahahaha

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Quote #8

No matter how good you are, there's always a million people better. -The Simpsons