Saturday, March 03, 2012

This tiring weeks has ended!!!

But... there has been some rumors that Pak Heri will hold the next chem exam soon. And we'll have another physics exam, this one is the test for optika geometri chapter. Oh, wish me luck.

Sepertinya... aku akan buat daftar peer mingguan di paint/photoshop. Bukan buat show off, tapi biar inget dan hemat kertas hehe :p

Btw, the result of 'psikotes' held at my school for that 'penjurusan' thing has annnounced, and it turned out that I got my name on science class. Alhamdulillah. In my school, the social science class is limited (there's only one class of social science program for the previous 3 years!) , and you know, the competition in social science class is really hard. Hafalan di SMA itu ekstrim sekali, dan kayaknya aku mau kuliah di program IPA.  Ga jadi HI, ternyata aku juga ga terlalu kepingin hehe :)


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