Thursday, July 15, 2010

pergilah kau!

i was the one who saying that mean things to apirang (of course only in the heart HAHAHA). and, he really go away now. i'm happy, but why is there still a missing feelings (?) Oke, bewew kangen bacotannya, kangen dijailin. kangen. kangen. kangen. apa? kangen band? wkwk ga nyambung ;p

but, let's think over about it again. i've got NC , right? haha. no reason to miss apirang again. titik! by the way, let's call NC taemin ^^ why? because he's just have similar things with taemin (personile of SHINee) oh well, tapi dia item sih -__-"

I dont care if he's go away. hell-o? he's just movin' to smansa, really -,- next year i can see apirang again. even atas! *this could happen if i accepted in smansa. so let's pray and study from now on.

wooo hoooo. what the banget nih . mood lagi turun XO jadi gaje gini haha

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