Thursday, April 05, 2012

I Was A Brutal Cheater Back Then*lol*

Just like, several days ago, I had a conversation with a friend of mine.

Friend : I was innocent when I was an elementary school students, boro-boro, I know nothing about cheating in exam or anything like that.
Me : *surprised* What? I was a brutal one when it comes to cheating, and my brutal cheating habit occured when I was still an elementary school student.
Friend : Really? Me myself started to cheat at junior high, and became faithful (tobat) again at the nineth grade.
Me : I see... well, it's kinda the same for me too. I got so brutal at cheating that now I couldn't even recognize my bad habit back then. But thanks to spensa incredible teachers, good environment and all my good friends there, I could consistently reducing my cheating habit and my other bad habits until now.


So...... yeah. I'm that kind of person who unfortunately got brutal too early HAHAHA (OKAY THAT'S NOT SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF, BEW) But Allah is so kind that He often made me in the tobat mood and always give that 'kesadaran' thingy to many people.

Aku ingat, nyontek terakhir kalo gasalah itu nyontek akbar pas ulangan bahasa sunda pas kelas 8. Muahaha. Ya kali, yang ngawas waktu itu wali kelas saya pas kelas 8, udah gitu si Ibu malah bilang "ya udah sana, kerja sama. Tapi jangan berisik". YA KALI. Udah gitu ya, guru bahasa Sunda kelas 8 semester dua itu musuhin kelas saya habis-habisan, tanpa alasan yang benar-benar jelas. Jadi waktu itu nyonteknya dalam bentuk revenge, dan kalaupun ga nyontek teteeeeuup aja kedengeran satu ruangan jawabannya, orang nyonteknya pada teriak-teriak *self defense*. Dari 32 anak, yang innocent waktu itu kayaknya cuma Irin dan Hazrin hehe. (bayangin, Danin aja nyontek mabrooow. Kurang 'akbar' apalagi?) Jadi no matter what, nilai rapor saya yang paling murni itu nilai rapor kelas 9. Dan the good thing is, nilai rapor kelas 9 semester 2 naik habis-habisan, (setelah nilai rapor kelas 9 semester 1 didiskon alias turun habis-habisan -_-) Ah, Allah memang the best, ngasih wali kelas pas kelas 9 sebaik Bu TM! :)

Udah ah. Kok jadi pamer nilai rapot. (lah, siapa yang mulai?)

Oiya. Sekarang tanggal 5 April.

Dan sekarang, harusnya hp saya protes.

Karena masa tenggangnya starts today.

Tapi untung Ibu udah ngisi pulsanya.


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