Friday, November 25, 2011

Pernah gak sih kamu ngerasa bahwa kehadiran kamu di bumi ini worthless? Ngerasa bahwa kamu itu cuma ngerugiin orang lain? Ngerasa bahwa actually, you don't belong here. Have you ever felt that you don't deserve this good life you had?

Well, I have.

And I've never understood the reason why so many people in the world comitted suicide until I had that thoughts.

TAPI, INGAT, KAMU SPERMA! #upssalah. Serius. Tapi, eh bener, quotenya raditya dika itu emang bikin saya semangat hidup. You were once the fastest sperm in your mother uterus, don't you ever forget that.

Atau, penyemangat di kala pengen tidur selama-lamanya adalah dengan baca qur'an dan Tuesdays With Morrie. Filsafat hidupnya kena banget. Hidup itu pilihan. Yes, it's all about choosing. Kamu bisa milih untuk terus 'hidup' atau 'mati' secara perlahan. Get busy living or get busy dying.

Self-notes :
It's always rain hard for people who deserve the sun.
You can't have a rainbow without a rain.
If you don't have the reason for living, you'll die for nothing.

P.S. : Yeaaaaaay! Tomorrow is the D-DAY! NUSA IS COMING UP! Btw, NUSA is an annual fieldtrip to Gunung Mas for grade X in my high school. I think I won't bring my camera, but I'll try to get the pics from my classmates as soon as posibble. Pray for me and my grades. And for my Pkn's book. May he rest in peace. Amen.

Salam TI,

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