Is that posibble that between me and Apirang would happen such a thing like that?
but half-side of my heart says : YEAAAAH.
Why did I feel 'deja vu' with this typograph? Because, I had a dream that seems like this TWICE with Apirang involved in it (I have told you before, haven't I?) At that dream, Apirang was passing away through me and we had eye contact just for like 5 seconds and he's walked again and that memory stays in my head forever.
Hhh, I'm tired of love. I'm officially quited being involved in things called Love. I'm just lack of energy to fight for it. enough. My level of careness and jealousness had gone, I don't care if all of my ex crush get girlfriends or what.
Well, except for Apirang, The Half Heart Said (again).
No, not really, the rest of the Heart said. Yea, he didn't and will never cares about me again, and anyway, he has been like stranger for me, after all the things we've been through.
OH, COME ON!!!!!! I SAID IT LIKE I WAS THE EX GIRLFRIEND OR SOMEONE IMPORTANT OF HIM (pathetic, in reality I'd always be nothing for him - I'd always be nothing for every boys --> 'Pelahap' do not included :p)
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