Aku tahu! Aku tempe! (?)
ternyata, universitas di Amerika mahal mahal karena mostly universities there, is a private university, like Harvard, MIT, California University of Berkeley, Stanford, Yale, etc. Neither in UK, there are many high-qualify public university that costs a lot cheaper than the private university in US, just like Oxford and Cambridge.
ternyata, universitas di Amerika mahal mahal karena mostly universities there, is a private university, like Harvard, MIT, California University of Berkeley, Stanford, Yale, etc. Neither in UK, there are many high-qualify public university that costs a lot cheaper than the private university in US, just like Oxford and Cambridge.
Wah, kalo kuliah ke Inggris, mak nyoss dah. Saya mau ke Buckingham Palace, ke danau di sepanjang Cambridge University, terus ke Edinburgh, Scotlandia pas ada festival seni tahunannya di sana (lupa tiap bulan apa, kayaknya sekitar July-August) dan ke Edinburgh Castle. Teruuuuuuus ke Old Trafford, nemuin Hanif Sjahbandi juga wgwg (ngarang), jangan lupa ke New Castle, liat stadionnya. OIYA ke perpustakaannya Oxford juga! ---> Biggest dream of Irin and me, read books together at Oxford Library (amiiin), oiya ke stonehenge juga! (itu loh yang jadi wallpaper windows) udah ah ngalor ngidul deui haha
The last word before I sleep, let's just listen to soft music, like Kenny G or Dave Koz. I'd looove The Moment, Over the Rainbow, and Forever in Love from Kenny G. But from Dave Koz, I love "You Make Me Smile" and "First Love"
well, xoxo
sleepy me
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