Thursday, October 28, 2010

Student Exchange Dilemma

I confused a bit about the Student Exchange this year. Why?

Because the one who can join this second student exchange to Pioneer and the third student exchange to Singapore is only 8 and 9 grader. Seven grader are not allowed and invited. Wow. What's this again?

At first, I think the Administration Staff made mistakes for the "Student Exchange" form letter, because they write, we will held a student exchange to Singapore, precisely Pioneer Secondary School, and we invited grade 8 and 9 students to join it. I think they were made some TYPO. But I was wrong. The letter's true. I CAN'T believe it. Grade 9, which will faces National Exam or usually called UN just in several months, still can join a student exchange? If I'm not mistaken, from the last year, grade 9 is not invited again to any kind of things called "Student Exchange". This is just really weird for me.

Why don't they give a chance to 7 grader students? If I'm at their (7 grader students) position, I will get mad, for sure. Last student exchange, is always invited grade 7 and 8 students. I find it really strange if grade 9 are still allowed to join Student Exchange. I think It'll be hard for we, grade 9, to faces subject again when we already back from Singapore. I've already experienced it.

Percaya deh, abis pulang dari Student Exchange atau yang biasa disebut pertukaran pelajar, buat saya yang berotak "average", nggak mudah untuk adaptasi sama pelajaran lagi. Mana waktu saya pulang, tinggal seminggu lagi tersisa untuk mencicil belajar untuk tes mid semester. Dan, minggu itu pula, ada ulangan matematika. I got 56 for that math test, believe it or not. Saya nangis kejer (oke itu lebay) , because that was the first time I got a super duper bad score. I was crying in front of Mrs Santi and Pak Odik, I just the way too sad at that time. "I can't make my parents proud", that feelings is really pathetic. I was crying in front of Wedar. I really pop it out to all people in front of me. I really can't stop crying at that "FABULOUS" Friday.

But, I got the sweetest feeling when I saw my mid semester test-score. I got a high score at most of the subject. Ya, manisnya hidup terasa setelah berjuang keras.

Pokoknya, hal ini bener bener aneh buat saya. Emang bagus sih, masih ngasih kesempatan buat kelas 9 untuk ikut Student Exchange, tapi bukan berarti kelas 7 ga perlu diajak juga, kan?

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